New Law For Expats Driving Licenses Renewal in UAE

Lieutenant-General Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy PM and MoI, has decreed new traffic rules, starting next month.

New driving applicants of all ages will receive a two-year driving license. Afterward, driving licenses for local Emiratis will be renewed after a decade, while the expats would have to get their driving licenses renewed every half a decade.

Legal experts suggest that the preexisting motorists need not worry as the new laws will have no statutory effect on prior driving permits. However, expats are required to have a valid residential visa to apply for license renewal.

uae driving license

This new law is an amendment of the ministerial regulation of 1995 Federal Law no 21 concerning traffic specifications and bylaws. The adjustments proposed are more strict and will hold drivers at higher violation standards than before.

As per the executive decree no 177 of 2017, one-year driving license or less will be allocated only in several terms, if and dictated by the Federal Traffic Council.

Collaboration between the licensing authorities and health authorities

The licensing regulators in coordination with well-equipped health institutes in the nation are trying to deliver reports to detect several health complications that affect a person’s fitness to stay on the road. The objective is to deny licenses to those deemed unfit to drive on the basis of their overall health.

Maj Gen Al Zafeen explains that this measure to forbid citizen with chronic illnesses from driving is to safeguard their lives and the lives of other motorists.

The Major General also added that the medical authorities will be associated with the branches of traffic Council all over the UAE, which aims to supervise and share reports on the health of drivers.

This is being perceived as smart, move because it’s long been noted that medical conditions like epilepsy, cataracts, depression, Parkinson’s and more hamper an individual’s fitness to drive. Under this new law Diabetes and epilepsy among other diseases are major grounds for refusing the issuance of a license, regardless of age or prior clean records.

Speedsters beware

The recent regulations also put a damper on the speedsters as the speed limit in residential locations shouldn’t exceed 40 km/hr. It was also directed that no vehicles being driven in these areas must make noise or cause harm to the lives of pedestrians. The same applies for areas of schools and hospitals.

Safety measures

The new regulations haven’t strayed from introducing new norms for the bikers and use of quad bikes either. It is paramount that all motorbikes be licensed and registered, while quad bikes can’t be driven at places other than the desert, beaches or other sandy areas.

Also, a lot of focus is being put on the utilization of car seats and seat belts. All children below 10 years of age are forbidden from occupying the front seat, and all children under 4 years of age need to now be strapped in child safety seats. This law also makes the use of seat belts for all passengers in the car essential.

The residents’ concerns over the new regulations were dispelled by Mr. Zafeen as he has time and again stressed upon safe driving, sticking to the law and avoiding receiving penalties.

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