Emirates ID Benefits & Privileges

The UAE, like most nations, is very concerned about the people in its region. They are draconian when it comes to identification and immigration, be it local residents, expats, or tourists even. Emirates ID cards are an appropriate way to keep track of and provide security to their citizens and residents. Now when you are applying for your residence visa you can also apply for Emirates ID card online

Living in the UAE is not all leisure and leniency, an Emirate ID card can get you a number of benefits. For instance, Abu Dhabi has switched the administrative Health Insurance cards with the Emirates ID. Surprising, right? A majority the UAE population is unaware of this.

That’s why below we have listed some benefits and privileges of possessing an Emirates ID.

Flying has never been easier

Traveling by air can get strenuous due to the waiting and queuing at the airports for numerous formalities. With an Emirates ID entering and exiting airport is a cake walk. Expats and locals can both use the E-gate service their cards offer to simplify traveling.

dubai airport e gate

Check in and check out is prompt and uncomplicated. You can use the E-gate service at Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport without prior registration.

Your bank can identify you

Because the card is made of some state of art identification tech, it includes a personal data retaining chip. This chip also contains your banking history and can store about 32,000 letters, which are accessible by the accredited authorities at any given time.

Effortless bank identification helps get rid of fraud and banking crimes like counterfeiting and forgery to some extent.

Make payments for petrol

emirates id benefits petrol pumps

The only card on you is a maxed out credit card and you really need some fuel. What do you do? Grab the next best thing from your pocket. Yes, an Emirates ID card is the replacement for cash and credit.

You can pay for petrol with your ID. All you have to do is activate the ADNOC Smart service. Then you can make fuel payments in three separate ways including your ID at ADNOC petrol stations.

Easy access to medical history

Earlier very few hospitals were able to access prior medical data. One of the hospitals with links to this data was Khalifa General Hospital. However, now your medical files like previous tests, screenings, medications, surgeries, and other medical history are readable at almost all hospitals and clinics across the UAE, you just have to produce your Emirates ID.

Quicker access to healthcare services

With readily accessible prior medical data, it becomes easier for individuals to receive a diagnosis, preventive health care, and follow up consultation or treatment. The personal information eliminates the possibility of delay in responding to medical emergencies which are great in order to save lives.

Streamlined health insurance

What’s better than having access to medical data? Having access to medical insurance. The Emirates ID card is now evidence of an individual’s qualification to availing seamless health insurance. UAE residents can literally produce their ID to grab medicines at pharmacies.

Are you ready to reap all these advantages of your Emirates ID card?

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